• Our History

  • In 1958, the North Coast Builders Exchange decided it was time to move on from the civilized life of Marin County, so it moved into the "Wild Frontier" of Sonoma County. The North Coast Board of Directors met and agreed to allow the Marin membership to form its own association.

    Since then, the key aspects of the Marin Builders Association have not changed: service to our members, service to our industry, and service to our community.

    Pete ArrigoniToday, we have over 600 active members, a 22 member volunteer Board of Directors, a diverse team of ten staff members, and a state of the art member facility in San Rafael with meeting rooms, private offices and the Peter Arrigoni Community Room.

  • Peter Arrigoni circa 1989



    Honorary Members are recognized by the Board of Directors for their outstanding and long standing service to the Marin Builders Association community. Honorary members served a minimum of 10 years with the Marin Builders Association, apply for the status in writing, and are granted Honorary status by approval from the Board of Directors.

  • Etta Allen
    Wendy Aronson
    Peter Arrigoni
    Ida Arruda
    Doris Law Bagley
    Bob Becker

    Bob Brabo
    Neil T. Burton
    Ches Coleman
    Robert W. Copple
    George Davis
    Ed DeLaMontanya
    Paul Della-Santina
    Jim Derry
    Mike DeVall 

    Oliver Dibble
    Andrew Engel
    Marilyn Felland
    Ray W. Foreaker, Jr.
    Edward Gerson
    Raymond J. Hamilton
    Scott Heliotes
    Mike Hitchcock
    Klif & Heidy Knoles

  • Larry Levy
    W. Paul Machado
    Margaret Mahoney
    Mike Marnell
    Michael Mazzoni
    Bill Minahen
    Sally Monestier
    John Mouer
    Ed Olson
    Richard A. Pearce
    Robert L. Phinney
    William F. Schroeder
    Hans Scoffield
    Ray Shanahan
    Ken Solvason
    Norberto Sousa
    Michael Sterling
    Robert L. Thomas
    Matilda Thompson
    Peter J. Thompson
    Bob Vandermeer
    Jack Vermeulen
    Valerie Young

  • Meet Our Team

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