We take pride in being your key resource for all things building in Marin County.
If you are a contractor - the Marin Builders Association helps you build and protect your business. We connect you to important resources and reinvest in the future of our industry and community. We are here to help you and will save you time and money. We offer quality products and services such as business building tools, insurance programs, safety, training and education resources just to name a few.
If you are a homeowner - From landscaping, to ADU's, to a complete building project, the Marin Builders Association is your resource for local, professional, licensed experts to help make your ideas a reality. The digital edition of Marin Builders Association Home Resource Guide (call us or stop by for a printed copy) is a great place to start for inspiration and expertise. Our online member directory is a comprehensive list of local experts with world-class expertise across many fields.
Our members have made the commitment to join the Marin Builders Association to support our community. They will help you get the job done so you can move on to enjoying your time in this wonderful community that we call home.
Please let us know what we can do for you and your business by sending an email to mba@marinbuilders.com, giving us a call at 415 462 1220, or dropping by our office.
Please let us know how we can help!

Rick Wells
Chief Executive Officer
415 462 1220 x116