• Marin County Office of Education School to Career Partnership: Internship Opportunity

    Developing Our Workforce

    The Marin County Office of Education (MCOE) is actively seeking civic-oriented businesses to host spring and summer internships for students at San Rafael High, Terra Linda High, Novato High, and San Marin High Schools. MCOE's School to Career Partnership provides students with direct support to engage in hands-on work-based learning experience and career exploration, leading to high-demand, high-wage jobs.

    Student's interests cover a broad scope of industries. Your participation will provide a positive experience for the students, your employees and our community.

    Take a leadership role in developing our workforce and helping students make informed educational and career decisions. For more information, visit https://www.marinschools.org/programs-services/programs/college-and-career-readiness-new/for-employers and contact Leonard Weingarten, Business Development at lhweingarten1@gmail.com, 415-378-6713.


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