• City of Novato Launches Express Building Permit Service

    City Launches Express Building Permit Service

    Streamlined permitting process for registered and licensed contractors

    The City of Novato is thrilled to announce the launch of our new Express Permit Service for registered and licensed contractors. This service is designed to streamline and expedite the permitting process for select residential projects, saving you valuable time and effort. 

    What is Express Permit Service? 

    Express Permit Service provides a faster and more convenient option for minor residential projects that meet specific “like-for-like” criteria. This includes: 
    • Residential Water Heater Replacement (like-for-like, no location change)
                         *Tank to Tank / Tankless to Tankless 
    • Residential HVAC Replacement (like-for-like, no location change)
                        * Furnace to Furnace, Ductwork, AC to AC 
    • Residential Electrical Panel Replacement (like-for-like, no location change; meets CEC 110.26 & PG&E Bulletin TD-7001M-B010) 
    • Residential Reroof (like-for-like, no change in pitch; roofs with existing solar do not qualify) 
    • Residential Window/Door Replacement (like-for-like, no change in size, location, or operating style) 
    Only currently registered and licensed contractors with a valid City of Novato Business License are eligible to apply.

    How to Register:

    If you haven’t registered with the City of Novato Building Division, please email permitcenter@novato.org and provide: 
    • Your City of Novato Business License number 
    • CSLB license number and classification(s) 
    • Worker’s Compensation Insurance information (carrier name, policy number, expiration date) 

    Once we’ve received and verified your information, we’ll send you a link to the Express Permits web portal, along with a temporary password. 

    For more information or to apply, visit http://novato.org/expresspermits.

    Questions? We’re here to help! 

    Please email permitcenter@novato.org or contact us at 415.899.8989. We appreciate your partnership and look forward to helping you bring your projects to life—faster and more conveniently than ever. 

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