Zero Waste Marin
Zero Waste means designing/managing products and processes to systematically avoid and eliminate the volume and toxicity of waste and materials, conserve/recover all resources, and not burn/bury them.Zero Waste means designing/managing products and processes to systematically avoid and eliminate the volume and toxicity of waste and materials, conserve/recover all resources, and not burn/bury them.
Marin Housing Authority
Affordable Housing for Marin County
Our goal is to assist low and moderate-income residents of Marin County and maintain high quality affordable housing.Affordable Housing for Marin County
Our goal is to assist low and moderate-income residents of Marin County and maintain high quality affordable housing.County of Marin Community Development Agency Sustainability Team
The County of Marin Sustainability Team works to support healthy, safe and sustainable communities while preserving Marin’s unique environmental heritageThe County of Marin Sustainability Team works to support healthy, safe and sustainable communities while preserving Marin’s unique environmental heritage
Building Our Community