• Andrew Mann Architecture

    Andrew Mann Architecture



    About Us

    The work of Andrew Mann Architecture expands the tradition of the Bay Area Style to contemporary needs, specifically inspired by the works of, and precedent set by, earlier generations of architects such as Bernard Maybeck, Julia Morgan, William Wurster, Joseph Esherick and William Turnbull. Andrew Mann continues this tradition by focusing on the particularities of each project’s site and context, by establishing a strong connection between building and landscape and by making use of natural materials.

    In keeping with the Bay Area Style, we believe that developing volumes and spatial sequences are the important aspects of architecture that transcend the parameters of traditional or modern. Our designs focus on the abstract qualities of space, such as the play of natural light on surfaces, the proportion of heights and widths of architectural elements, how one moves through rooms, and how one perceives the relationship between those spaces. We believe these characteristics are central in creating timeless architecture and underlay all the work we do.


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    Rep/Contact Info

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    Johnny Maas
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    Andrew Mann